I learned such a great, refreshing lesson today. I learned to live in the moment. Not just to enjoy the moment but to live in it. I realised that I don't need to be thinking about what I have to do next week, tomorrow or even in thirty minutes. I need to do the task at hand and worry about the next one when it comes.
I was driving to school planning how I was going to get the kids into the post office, make sure they didn't touch anything as we waited to be served, get them back into the car (without them being run over), get to school in time to pick Isabella up, then off home to cook and serve an early tea in time for swimming lessons, more tea and all showered and in bed in time so I could leave at 7pm for a meeting. Phew! I was feeling a bit stressed.
Such a weight of stress lifted off my shoulders as I realised - I can't do anything about tomorrow right now. I can't even do anything about what's happening in half an hour so I might as well stop worrying.
We all need to plan for the future but once that's done, put it aside and focus on the NOW. The rest will take care of itself.
Cool pic thanks to zazzle.com
$52 ensures a child has access to all needed vaccinations up through their 4th birthday.
$44 provides a month worth of food and/or nutritional supplements to ensure that mums and babies are not malnourished (although costs vary per country, $44 is the average amount needed to provide for the nutritional needs of one mum and one baby for one month).
In our household, we don't have much extra to give but this issue is really important to me as a mum and as a woman. I feel that I have a responsibility to my international 'sisters' to do the right thing by them and fight for their lives and those of their children.
If you'd like to support these women and their beautiful children, please visit my secure
fundraising page (I'm trying to raise enough money to supply professional maternal medical assistance to 10 women) or donate directly to Rescue Babies Now.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read about the sadness surrounding this topic. Even by just reading through this, you're helping alleviate the problem.