Friday, October 30, 2009

12 word story

This is such a fun idea for a Friday afternoon - Nambucca Valley Youth Services Centre is running a competition: tell your story in 12 words. The comp's called 12 words (caught you by surprise hey!) It's pretty fun - give it a go if you feel like it! (Don't forget to let me know if you enter too.. )

To enter the competition you need to be under 25 years but they still want others to contribute - just for a bit of fun :o)

Here's mine: Life is like a box of chocolates. It's over way too quickly.

What's yours?

PS - The very lovely Cath from SquiggleMum will be chatting about blogging tonight on connect2mums and giving away all her advice and tips (that's what I'm hoping anyway!) If you want to pick the brain of a very successful, award winning blogger (already, even though she's only been doing it for about 11 months - I think), then register and join in. The chat will stream from 8pm-9pm Qld time.


  1. Looking forward to chatting with you tonight Joni! Bring your bloggy questions and I'll do my best :)


Hi~ Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. I love hearing what people have to say :o) Have a great day!