What kind of teenager and adult do you want your kids to be?
Hmm. That one got me thinking. I went to part 1 of a parenting seminar on Tuesday night and this is what the speaker asked us all to think about. My reactionary thought was - I don't want to decide who or what they should be, that's entirely up to them as individuals. Then I realised that as far as ethics, morals and attitudes go, I can (and probably should) have a plan in mind.
So I thought about it and here's what I'd like for my kids;
Respect and common courtesy are in short supply in society at the moment but I'd still like my children to be respectful of their elders and those in authority.
I see common courtesy and good old fashioned manners as being so important. I'd like them to give up their seats for the elderly, unwell or pregnant and show courtesy and consideration to those they meet.
I'd like my kids to be kind, considerate and compassionate members of the community; hardworking, with the confidence to chase their dreams but with enough humility to have healthy priorities; I want them to be able to give and receive love and to have great relationships, especially in marriage and parenthood.
In my mind, marriage really is the most important relationship in our lives because all other relationships stem from it. A healthy marriage breeds healthy, well-adjusted children who are then able to have healthy relationships throughout their lives. If my three manage to have a healthy relationship within their marriage, I'll be so pleased. Life is tough, but separation and divorce are heart-breaking. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to make single parents feel bad or inadequate - I was raised by a single mother who did a fantastic job and loved us all whole-heartedly (maybe even enough for two parents) but I'm sure anyone who has been through a separation or divorce would agree - you wouldn't wish it on your worst enemy.
These are my thoughts... what are yours?
Have you pondered this question for your kids or future family? What do you want for them?
Image thanks to picturepost.wordpress.com/
Yes, I agree, and I've always wanted my kids to fulfill their potential, whatever that may be, even if I don't/won't like it. I just want my kids to be "whole". (By the way, thankyou for your lovely comment about my single-parenting and yes, I've always loved you enough for two parents!!)
health and happiness.